Skincare prep the week before your wedding

Just one week to go!

Your wedding is in a week’s time, all your beauty appointments are lining up and you are thinking about your skin and how best to prepare it for the big day.

Well, you’re in the right place!

Keep reading for my best tips, tricks and advice for skincare in the week leading up to your wedding day.

We’ll look at each day or two at a time, so you can be super prepared while having a little flexibility throughout the process.

But before we start, my one piece of MAJOR advice is…

Don’t dramatically change your skincare routine the week before your wedding.

Any exciting facial treatments or major changes to your skincare routine should be introduced several months before your wedding, in case you experience an adverse reaction or some other issues.

This means that in the days leading up to your wedding, your skincare routine should actually be relatively normal.

6-7 Days Before - Get a gentle facial and cut the strong stuff  

If you have been getting facials over the last few months and have a beauty therapist you trust, you could book yourself in for a gentle facial a week before your wedding.

Talk to your therapist about a treatment that would best suit your skin, but something that helps to give glow and hydration to the skin would be ideal. 

If you are using products like retinoids, chemical peels and/or various vitamins, you want to stop using these the week of your wedding.

4-5 Days Before - Everybody loves a mask, and you do too

This is a great time to self-care with a hydrating face mask, preferably one for glow and brightening.

Remember, it’s important you use a mask you have used before to ensure your skin doesn’t have any adverse reaction to it.

A clay mask is also a great product to use, particularly for oily skin. 

However, don’t use a clay mask any closer to the wedding day, as they encourage everything to come to the surface of the skin.

2-3 Days Before - Keep calm and exfoliate

Give your skin an exfoliation with a product your skin is familiar with, I repeat - now is not the time to test out something new! 

Don’t forget your hands - hand cream and cuticle oil is a must, I would recommend doing these every night.

And lips - keep your lips in the best condition with a lip scrub and balm, frequency will depend on which one you’re using. 

1 Day Before - Introducing your secret weapon, the jade roller

Firstly, this is a great time for another hydrating face mask. You can use the same one from earlier in the week!

Once you’re finished with the face mask, spend some one-on-one time with your jade roller. Not only is it calming and relaxing, it helps to give your skin a brighter look and helps with puffiness.


It’s important you continue to wash your face with your regular cleanser, how you would normally use it.

I recommend cleaning your face morning and night, which will help keep your skin clean and clear of dirt.

Complete your face wash with your usual serums or moisturisers.

And that’s it!

I hope this helps you feel more prepared for your wedding day, and confident in your skincare routine ahead of working with a professional makeup artist - who will no doubt appreciate all the effort you’ve gone to!

May your skin be glowing and ready for your big day.

All the best!

Amy x


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